DFT在预测结构性质时常表现良好,但是在预测band gap上不尽如人意。 对于这类与激发态相关的性质,更严格的处理应该是在多体微扰理论(MBPT)的框架下进行。


 nk1 nk2 nk3   !   numbers of k-points in crystal coordinates (b1,b2,b3)
 dk1 dk2 dk3   !   k-grid offset (0.0 unshifted, 1.0 shifted by bj/nkj)
 dq1 dq2 dq3   !   a small q-shift (0.0 unshifted, 1.0 shifted by bj)

 a1x a1y a1z   !   lattice vectors in Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z)
 a2x a2y a2z   !   in arbitrary units (bohr, angstrom, lattice parameter)
 a3x a3y a3z   !
 n             !   number of atoms in the unit cell
 s1 x1 y1 z1   !   atomic species and positions in Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z)
 ...........   !   in the same units as the lattice vectors
 sn xn yn zn   !
 nr1 nr2 nr3   !   size of FFT grid
 trs           !   if set to .true., use time-reversal symmetry (do not use this for BerkeleyGW)
 Cartesian     !   OPTIONAL: set to .true. for k-points in Cartesian coordinates (only in the log file)
 octopus       !   OPTIONAL: set to .true. to write output file in format suitable for Octopus

ERROR: Selected number of bands breaks degenerate subspace.

degeneracy_check.x WFN

From proc 0: ERROR: insufficient number of k-point blocks in file eqp_co.dat

很可能epsilon.inp 的number_qpoints 或sigma.inp 的number_kpoints数错了,这一报错常见于Berkeley GW1.1. 建议使用Berkeley GW2.1版本的inteqp.real.x

/public/home/users/shu001/software/vasp/wannier90-2.1.0/utility/kmesh.pl 6 6 6 bands_num_points = 51 exclude_bands 1-64 # GW energy window for t2g states dis_win_min = 7.4 dis_win_max = 9.95